November 6, 2013

The hardest part

Well, as I said in my last post we have a few more things to check off our " to do" list and I am happy to say that one can be!
A church!!
So after visiting a few churches and lots of prayer we have decided that Life Church Huntsville is the place for us! We love it here-- everything from the worship to the preaching to the people! They have all made us feel so welcomed. Tonight we will go to a new members class to find out more about the church and areas we can get involved.
This by far has been the hardest part of the entire 2 hour move away from family and friends.
I have always went to the same church as my parents and brother.... and for the last 13 years my dad has been my Pastor. So it is a very exciting but also sad time for me.  We will be joining the church on Sunday, Nov. 10th and believe great things are ahead for us!
Keep me in your prayers as I am willing to go where the Lord leads even if I have to shed a few tears along the way!

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