November 26, 2013


Before I start this post just wanted to add an update:
We received a call on Nov. 9th that we were getting an offer on the house we were so excited!! It looked very promising but in the end -- ended up falling through :(

To start this one I am going to have to give you a little back dated info...

When Kent began to look for another job... He applied at several places. One of those places happened to BH. When he talked to the VP of BH in July,  he told him they were not looking to hire until Oct. 1st and due to the fact Kent was at his current position it would be difficult for them to hire him based on the working relationship between the two companies. As luck would have it Kent then applied for and was offered the position at OA here in Huntsville. This was a huge answered prayer!

Fast forward to Oct. 1st --- things were going great here in Huntsville! I am happy and Kent is happier than I have seen him in months. Then he gets a phone call from the VP of BH... "Hey, Kent... we are looking to hire for a new position here at BH and would love to sit down to talk to you." Kent then explains that since their last conversation we had moved to Huntsville. The VP begins to tell him a little about the job and asked what it would take to move him back... Kent told him x amount (which in all honesty was a crazy amount to us anyway) and then begin to explain moving expenses, that we signed a contract with our apt for 1 year, etc... The VP then said he was going to be out of town for a few weeks to just be talking it over with me and he would be back in touch.

Well, Kent could barely hang up before I was drilling him about the conversation... we talked about it and was just like "we will see". Honestly I didn't think they would even consider paying Kent the x amount of dollars he requested.. We both decided that we would not say anything to our families until we knew more. No point in getting their hopes up after all this position would require us to move back to Birmingham.

Sometime the week of Nov.4th Kent got a text from the VP at BH saying he wanted to schedule a time to talk to him. He didn't think much about it and forgot to get back with him... Then the next week the VP calls Kent and tells him they are extremely interested in him for this position and really would like it if he would come in for an interview. The comes just a few days after we have joined the church and us finding out the offer on our house fell though. Kent talks with him they discuss numbers and benefits etc... and BH lets him know that the numbers discussed were very doable all he had to do was schedule an interview. Kent hung up with him and called me to let me know... I was speechless he said I think I am going to schedule an interview for next Friday... a week away!! I quickly responded that this needed to be address ASAP so he called the VP and scheduled his interview for the next Monday. That's when we made the decision to tell our parents so they could be praying for God's will. So I got on the phone with my dad who ended up being with my mom at the time and let them know ... stressing the fact they tell no one right now at least until it was a "done" deal! (which I later found out did not happen). Kent called his parents and asked them to be praying as well.

On Monday, Nov 18th Kent went in for his interview at 8:00 am and was to call me as soon as it was over... finally after what seemed like forever I finally get a call from him saying it went very well he met with about 5 different people including the COO. The VP told him he would be calling or emailing him mid-week... Really? I have to wait until then to know... lol

Wednesday (which is what I consider mid-week) comes and goes no word ... Then Thursday morning I check our emails as always and see an email from BH... I start texting Kent (forgetting he was in a meeting)...  have you heard anything... I need you to call me... I just read the email .... call me ASAP... Then he calls and says sorry my phone was on silent! (( MEN!! )) He comes home at lunch and types up his 2 weeks notice... gives me the go ahead to call my family as he calls his... We are beyond excited as this is completely God's work in our lives...

As exciting as we were Kent was having a hard time with turning in his notice... He loves his job, the people he works for and with! Probably the hardest notice he has ever had to turn in...

That afternoon I knew I had to make a call about my job.... I was super nervous because I wasn't sure if they would let me come back into the office to work. I called my office manager and asked if she had a minute to talk ... I started out with Kent has been offered another position that is going to require us to move ... back to Birmingham. Is there anyway I can come back to work in the office. You could hear a sigh of relief as she thought I was telling her I was quitting. She quickly reassured me that I could in fact come back which caused me to sigh with relief.

I've had many people ask I why would God move you to Huntsville only to move you back 4 months later and I guess the best way I can describe it is by using the story of Abraham and Isaac ( I know you all know the story so I won't share it here)... no God didn't tell me to sacrifice my son but he did open doors that required me to trust in him and his plan when he removed me from my comfort zone, my family, my church family, my work etc... Plus, Kent may not have been offered this position had he still been with his old company.  We were so upset when the offer on our house fell through but it was all part of God's perfect plan.

The last four months have shown me how thankful I am for 3 bedroom - 2 BATH house.  It has shown me how much you can take your co-workers for granted. It has provided a deeper love and appreciation for family and friends. It shown me that being 25 min away from your mom and dad and church is way better that 2 hours. 

I can say I will miss Huntsville but I am so excited to be moving back HOME! Do to the fact I am going to be super busy the next blog post may come after Christmas! Lol 

November 6, 2013

The hardest part

Well, as I said in my last post we have a few more things to check off our " to do" list and I am happy to say that one can be!
A church!!
So after visiting a few churches and lots of prayer we have decided that Life Church Huntsville is the place for us! We love it here-- everything from the worship to the preaching to the people! They have all made us feel so welcomed. Tonight we will go to a new members class to find out more about the church and areas we can get involved.
This by far has been the hardest part of the entire 2 hour move away from family and friends.
I have always went to the same church as my parents and brother.... and for the last 13 years my dad has been my Pastor. So it is a very exciting but also sad time for me.  We will be joining the church on Sunday, Nov. 10th and believe great things are ahead for us!
Keep me in your prayers as I am willing to go where the Lord leads even if I have to shed a few tears along the way!

September 22, 2013

Change, Change, Change

As you can tell I have not been doing a great job at keeping up with my blog...even after trying the blogging "schedule"...but as always I find myself missing the time to sit down and simply type.

So with that being said I will start this first blog post on my newly designed blog site with a little catch up post!

We will start with My Husbands {NEW} Job.

He had been working in a dental lab for almost eight years where he had went from outside sales to customer service to his most recent position of dental technician and you guess it with each position there was a change in pay... it went up, it went down, it went back up but then it went right back down. We needed a change... HE needed a change. So he begin applying for other various dental tech positions in and out of state. On Tuesday, July 16th - on a whim- he decides to contact the HR department at a lab in Huntsville, AL. On July 18th he was contacted by the VP of the company who wanted to set up a time for KW to go in for an interview. Due to the type of work he request that KW do a working interview and scheduled the interview on the weekend so KW would not have to miss work. So on July 27th we made the 2 hour drive to Huntsville got a hotel and went looking around at apartments just so we would have an idea of what the cost of living would be.  On Sunday, July 28th I dropped Kent off for his interview at 4:00 and I headed to the mall! They told me they would be done around 6:00 so I made sure I was back 10 minutes early! Well that was a mistake ... they didnt walk out of the door until 8:00pm... That's when the VP walked KW out to the car... shook my hand and said "Welcome, to Huntsville!" I was just floored... I looked at KW and said "so you got it?" and his response was look at the offer email... and then it hit me... We're moving to Huntsville! Kent got in the car and we began calling our family to let them know -- KW got the job!! He turned in his notice the next day (Mon) and then on Tuesday his current employer offered him more money and then the new job countered that offer and then his current employer at the time countered that offer. They took us both to dinner and tried to persuade KW to stay with them but KW and I both felt this was the door God had opened and felt that moving to Huntsville would be the right move for us and our future.

So on August 9th I headed to Huntsville to sign the lease on our apartment. That afternoon my parents headed down ((up)) with the U-Haul and KW headed here after work. We unloaded our bed and the few things we would need to get us through the night and then went to meet my in-laws for dinner. We went back to our apartment and got some much needed rest for the early day ahead. By mid-afternoon on the 10th everything was unloaded! I spent most of the weekend unpacking boxes and putting things away.

That Sunday I returned home to continue working in my office until my home office was up and running. After a few weeks I was ready to make my official move to Huntsville. 

I love Huntsville and have done extremely well with the move much better than everyone expected including myself. All that credit goes to God-- he gave me a peace that only he could give.

We still have much to do... like find a church, SELL OUR HOUSE etc... and hopefully by my next post we will have marked them off our list as well!

June 18, 2013

TEST-imony Tuesday

I can tell I am my father's daughter because when thinking about Testimony... I was reminded of this old song we sang (my mom) at my home church when I was little. And if you have heard my father preach then you have heard him sing a song in the middle of the sermon in regards to what he is preaching on...

I wanna testify
I wanna testify
What the Lord has done for me
He has set my spirit free
He has made me whole
Put joy down in my soul
I wanna testify, testify

I want to stand up and lift my voice
Let the world know what Christ has done for me
I’ve got to stand up, I have no choice
My eyes were once blind but now I see

When I was down, so lost in sin
He reached out His hand and brought me up again
When I was bound by slavery
He broke the chains and set me free and

I wanna testify
I wanna testify
What the Lord has done for me
He has set my spirit free
He has made me whole
Put joy down in my soul
I wanna testify, testify

I want to stand up and lift my voice
Let the world know what Christ has done for me
I’ve got to stand up, I have no choice
My eyes were once blind but now I see
When I was down, so lost in sin
He reached out His hand and brought me up again
When I was bound by slavery
He broke the chains and set me free and

I wanna testify
I wanna testify
What the Lord has done for me
He has set my spirit free
He has made me whole
Put joy down in my soul
I wanna testify, testify
I wanna testify
I wanna testify
I wanna testify
I wanna testify

What the Lord has done for me
He has set my spirit free
He has made me whole
Put joy down in my soul
I wanna testify, testify
I wanna testify, testify
I wanna testify, testify

June 17, 2013

M-E-S-S-A-G-E Monday--- Marriage

I came accross this blog entry on being a Godly Wife via Facebook...
I found it to speak volumes to me personally so today I thought I would share it!

Now I am far from a spoke person on how to be the perfect wife or marriage in general. My parents always made marriage look so easy (even though I know at times it wasn’t) and I can completely say without a doubt it is because they kept and con...tinue to keep God number one in their own lives as well as in their relationship! As a little girl I dreamed of being Cinderella and finding my prince. I did find my Prince (and married him) but marriage is not always a fairytale. It takes both of you working together and most importantly it takes God. Trust me trying to do it without him is not a wise decisions. I do not know the woman who wrote this blog but it has truly spoke to me and stirred up within me the desire to be a better wife even in the times I don’t feel like my husband is being the “best” husband. Lord, help me be a Godly wife…

June 15, 2013

Short-N-Sweet Saturday

Today we celebrated Mary Bradfords birthday! She will turn 9 years old on June 18th. I cannot say enough about this sweet girl. She is so thoughtful, considerate of others and respectful.
I am so proud to call her my niece! It has been so much fun watching her grow over the last 4 years....

She had an American Girl themed birthday party!

All of her(girl) friends, cousin Bella and Oliva brought their favorite doll and had a tea party. 
She even had a couple of boys join the fun,  John Wallace (MB cousin) & Kamden came and though they will probably never admit it when their older they had fun with the dolls too ;)
It was so much fun! And she was able to get enough $$$ to buy her iPad mini!

This is her gift from us... her face while opening it was priceless!!

June 14, 2013

Flashback Friday!

In honor of Father's Day weekend..
Here are some pictures of my husband and I with our daddy's!
I'm so thankful for these two men!

June 13, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I have so many things in my life to be thankful for... I am beyond blessed with so many wonderful people in my life!

Today I am going to make my thankful post about my aunt,
Leigh Ann
I feel that it is fitting since today is her birthday!

I have always been told I am so much like her and well I am!
She is a wonderful aunt. She's the one who has all the embarrassing pictures of me... She let me skip church one Wednesday night to go to the movies... that same night while she was teaching me how to drive her also taught me how to avoid a ticket!

She is someone I've always known I could go to no matter
I am so Thankful for you and love you very much!

June 11, 2013

TEST-imony Tuesday

"We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb
And the word of our testimony,
everyone overcome"
When deciding the blog “schedule” I was trying to think of a topic for Tuesdays. I went back in forth with a couple of options and when I came to the word testimony I honestly had the thought “I may run out of stuff to write about.”

And then on Sunday my dad’s sermon happened to be about sharing your testimony. As he began to share one testimony he was reminded of another… it was so funny how God kind of nudged me and said … see, you have more to tell about than you think!

I am not one to share my life easily but decided that it is time for me to share how God has turned all of my tests into a testimony! And not only will I share my own experiences but the testimonies of others who have encouraged me along the way!

One thing that has been on my heart to share is my trip to Honduras… I was so excited when the opportunity came for me to go to Honduras for the first time. Honduras has always been such a big part of my life due to the fact my dad has had a heart for missions as long as I can remember. On one of his trips he even brought home a young girl named, Maria. I was probably 10 or 11 at the time and basically a spoiled rotten pre-teen who had more than she realized. You see Maria came from one of the poorest families in Honduras. She was one of 9 children and lived in a one room house complete with dirt floors. There was no electricity, running water or any of the things that made life so comfortable for me. She used her arms to move around since she had no legs from the knees down which was the reason my dad brought her to the US in the first place. He had found an orthopedic doctor who was going to fit her for prosthetics. Being 10 – I did not fully understand how blessed I was but one of the things that stuck out in my mind and I remember like it was yesterday: was taking Maria and showing her where the bathroom was in our house and her not having a clue what toilet paper was! It amazed me something I used everyday without even a second thought was something she had never even seen or used! How could she go without toilet paper? Maria and I became very close that 4 months she was here and it was so difficult to see her leave. I went many years wondering how she was, if she was alive, if she was healthy, etc… so when planning my trip to Honduras I prayed that I would be able to see her just to know she was OK!

Once in Honduras we had planned a trip to the mountains which was about 2 hours on a rough road from where we were staying… I asked my dad several times on our way up and evening while planning our trip if we were going to be able to see her. At the time no one knew where Maria’s family had moved and had not had any contact with them. The night before we were to make the drive my dad informed me that they had located Maria’s parents and that we were going to stop by to see if Maria still lived with them. I remember walking up the dirt road to her house with tears streaming down my face praying that she would be there and that she would be healthy.

When we got to this hut of house, Maria’s mother and father walked out along with her brother’s and sister’s and finally… here she come Maria! I was so happy! She was just as beautiful as I remembered. It truly was my an answer to my prayers.

Dad and Maria

Me, Maria & Dad

June 10, 2013

M-E-S-S-A-G-E Monday

It's that time again... time to start off the work week... And it starts with the always dreaded Monday! I cannot tell you how many times I have said "ugh, it's Monday" or someone ask how is my day is going and I replied "oh, it's definitely a Monday"

Last night one of the guys at our church shared an awesome message entitled “Good, Better, Best” and he brought to light so many wonderful points and one of those things that stuck with me is…

Yes, it maybe Monday or it could even be Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or even my Friday to work. It may not be a Saturday, Sunday or even your day off...
It is still the day that the LORD has made! So let's REJOICE and be glad in it... even if the circumstances, the problems or even the day is not going the way you want it. Rejoice anyway! It's a day your Father has made. So my goal for all the days that end in -y: is to wake up saying THIS is the day the LORD has made. I am going to rejoice no matter what the day brings.


June 7, 2013

Long time ... no post!

I cannot believe how long it has been since I have even been on here...much less even thought about my blog!?!

After much thought and prayer about whether to start back blogging or start a journal I feel like the Lord is leading me to continue the blog. This will not only be an outlet for me to put my thoughts on paper but also a way for me way to reach others. I have prayed about the direction God wants to take this blog of course there will still be post about what's going on in my life but I also want to share my heart through scriptures, songs or any other inspirational words or quotes I may run across.. Regardless of if anyone ever sees this I know God is going to do a mighty work in my own life!

Anyone who knows me knows I am OCD... so I have to have some kind of "schedule"!

So {for now}here’s the plan:
Message Monday
Testimonial Tuesday
Wordless Wednesday
Thankful Thursday
Flashback Friday
Short & Sweet Saturday
Scripture Sunday