June 11, 2013

TEST-imony Tuesday

"We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb
And the word of our testimony,
everyone overcome"
When deciding the blog “schedule” I was trying to think of a topic for Tuesdays. I went back in forth with a couple of options and when I came to the word testimony I honestly had the thought “I may run out of stuff to write about.”

And then on Sunday my dad’s sermon happened to be about sharing your testimony. As he began to share one testimony he was reminded of another… it was so funny how God kind of nudged me and said … see, you have more to tell about than you think!

I am not one to share my life easily but decided that it is time for me to share how God has turned all of my tests into a testimony! And not only will I share my own experiences but the testimonies of others who have encouraged me along the way!

One thing that has been on my heart to share is my trip to Honduras… I was so excited when the opportunity came for me to go to Honduras for the first time. Honduras has always been such a big part of my life due to the fact my dad has had a heart for missions as long as I can remember. On one of his trips he even brought home a young girl named, Maria. I was probably 10 or 11 at the time and basically a spoiled rotten pre-teen who had more than she realized. You see Maria came from one of the poorest families in Honduras. She was one of 9 children and lived in a one room house complete with dirt floors. There was no electricity, running water or any of the things that made life so comfortable for me. She used her arms to move around since she had no legs from the knees down which was the reason my dad brought her to the US in the first place. He had found an orthopedic doctor who was going to fit her for prosthetics. Being 10 – I did not fully understand how blessed I was but one of the things that stuck out in my mind and I remember like it was yesterday: was taking Maria and showing her where the bathroom was in our house and her not having a clue what toilet paper was! It amazed me something I used everyday without even a second thought was something she had never even seen or used! How could she go without toilet paper? Maria and I became very close that 4 months she was here and it was so difficult to see her leave. I went many years wondering how she was, if she was alive, if she was healthy, etc… so when planning my trip to Honduras I prayed that I would be able to see her just to know she was OK!

Once in Honduras we had planned a trip to the mountains which was about 2 hours on a rough road from where we were staying… I asked my dad several times on our way up and evening while planning our trip if we were going to be able to see her. At the time no one knew where Maria’s family had moved and had not had any contact with them. The night before we were to make the drive my dad informed me that they had located Maria’s parents and that we were going to stop by to see if Maria still lived with them. I remember walking up the dirt road to her house with tears streaming down my face praying that she would be there and that she would be healthy.

When we got to this hut of house, Maria’s mother and father walked out along with her brother’s and sister’s and finally… here she come Maria! I was so happy! She was just as beautiful as I remembered. It truly was my an answer to my prayers.

Dad and Maria

Me, Maria & Dad

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